Saturday, April 17

Ventspils and cows

 Cows.  Everywhere you look in Ventspils there are cows.

Why so many different cows, Spike?

Well, there was a "cow parade." It was an art exhibit in 2002.  Then, in 2012, another one was held.  Cows were placed around the city.  Each one is designed by different artists.  Some of the cows are life size, while other are bigger than life.

Cows.....Just what a pirate wants to see.  For a port city, you'd think there would something more .....I don't know.....nautical?  Piratey?  But Cows?

C'mon Cap'n.  Enjoy the artwork!

Touring Cow.  Look at the "suitcase" with all the stickers!

This is "Sea Cow"  The cow is wearing flippers!

"Black Cow"  I am sure it means something.

Rocking Cow

Here we are with Rocking Cow.  She sure is big!  And even Polara looks small compared to the cow!

Cow in the mirror

Stormy Cow

Feminine Cow

I don't know the name of this one, as it was off in the distance and inside a locked fence.  Planter cow?

I guess the cows are okay.  Still, I wish there was something related to the sea here instead.  Maybe they should do a Pirate parade!

You sure are full of yourself, aren't you Cap'n?  All you can think about are pirates.

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