Sunday, April 11

Cape Kolka - Where the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga meet

 Well, Cap'n.  We are finally travelling outside of Riga.  We get to see other parts of Latvia.

 I know.  And we are driving along the coast, so there will be plenty of opportunities to go to the sea.  Maybe I'll find a boat to sail!

Cape Kolka is the first stop.  It is where the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga meet.  You can see the water change directions here.

What are those rocks?  They look like Stonehenge in England.  I thought we were going to the ocean.

That is a monument to all the sailors who have been lost at sea.  The waters here are pretty dangerous. So this memorial was created in the early 2000s.

Meet our friend Polara.  We are travelling together.  Since this is still a pandemic, we are all wearing our masks when we gather together.  We are staying safe, even if we are on vacation!

The sea is treacherous here.  You can see that.  Lots of rocks and the current is really strong.  I'll bet you could do some good surfing.  Ha ha.  I am afraid of getting too close.  You might like it though, Cap'n.

On second thought, I don't think I want to take a boat out in that....
The Cape is really neat though.  It is not often that you can sea two different seas collide so easily.

Too bad it is so windy and cold.  I'll bet this a fun place when it is warm and sunny.  Probably crowded too!

Spike, you know I don't like crowds.  But I bet you are right.  My Latvian friends have all been here in the summer.  They say you can watch the sunrise and the sunset from the same place.  you just look in the opposite direction.

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